- I was born in Moscow in 1991. I went to Moscow's Lyceum Nº1511 with an in-depth study of physics and mathematics. In my school years, I played chess on a professional junior level and won multiple tournaments, including the rapid chess championship of Russia among juniors under 12 years.
- From 2007-2012, I studied at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and graduated with a Diploma in Automated Data Processing and Management Systems.
- From 2008-2012, I was the layout designer and photographer of the monthly official newspaper of the Russian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
- In 2012, I started my career in IT as an Implementation Specialist at Diasoft (Moscow), the leading developer of banking software in Russia. I received a promotion to Senior Specialist and later advanced to a Leading Specialist position. In 2014, I received the 'Best Employee' award at Diasoft. In 2015, I was also working as an IT analyst at Diasoft. I left Diasoft at the end of 2015 to start my graduate studies in the USA.
- In 2016, I started my graduate studies at Clarkson University, NY, USA. I received my MS degree in Computer Science in 2018.
- From 2016-2018, I worked as a Teaching Assistant for Computer Science courses, such as C++ programming, Computer Networking and Operating Systems.
- From 2018 June to December, I was a Software Engineer Intern at Cisco Systems in Research Triangle Park, NC.
- In 2019, I continued my graduate studies, pursuing PhD degree at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
- From 2019 January to May, I worked as a Teaching Assistant for the Computer Algorithms course at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
- From 2019-2020, I worked as a Research Assistant at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
- From 2020 May to August, I taught the CSCI-651 course ("Foundations of Computer Networks") at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
- In August 2020, I defended my PhD dissertation at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
- Starting in August 2020, I joined Alfred University as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. At Alfred University, I teach computer science courses such as Computer Science I and II, Algorithm Design, Database Systems, and Computer Networking. I continue my research in Computer Networking and other areas.
Conferences papers:
- G. Grigoryan and M. Kwon, "Towards Greener Data Centers via Programmable Data Plane", IEEE HPSR, 2023.
- S. Chuprov, L. Reznik, G. Grigoryan, "Study on Network Importance for ML End Application Robustness", IEEE ICC, 2023.
- G. Grigoryan, M. Kwon, M. Mustafa Rafique, "Extending the Control Plane of Container Orchestrators for I/O Virtualization", CANOPIE-HPC (In conjuction with SC conference), 2020.
- G. Grigoryan, Y. Liu, M. Kwon, "Boosting FIB Caching Performance with Aggregation", ACM HPDC, 2020.
- G. Grigoryan, Y. Liu, M. Kwon, "iLoad: In-network Load Balancing with Programmable Data Plane", ACM CoNEXT, Student Workshop, 2019.
- G. Grigoryan and Y. Liu, "LAMP: Prompt Layer 7 Attack Mitigation With Programmable Data Planes", IEEE NCA, 2018.
- Y. Liu and G. Grigoryan, "Toward Incremental FIB Aggregation with Quick Selections (FAQS)", IEEE NCA, 2018.
- G. Grigoryan and Y. Liu, "PFCA: A Programmable FIB Caching Architecture", 14th ACM/IEEE ANCS, 2018.
- G. Grigoryan, Y. Liu, L. Njilla, C. Kamhoua and K. Kwiat , "Enabling Cooperative IoT Security via Software Defined Networks (SDN)", IEEE ICC, 2018.
- G. Grigoryan, K. Bahmani, G. Schermerhorn, Y. Liu, "GRASP: a GReen energy Aware SDN Platform", IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.
- G. Grigoryan, Y. Liu, M. Leczinsky, and J. Li, "VeriTable: Fast Equivalence Verification of Multiple Large Forwarding Tables", IEEE INFOCOM, 2018.
- G. Grigoryan, Y. Liu, M. Kwon, "PFCA: a programmable FIB caching architecture", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 28 , Issue 4, 2020.
- Y. Liu, G. Grigoryan, J. Li, G. Sun, T. Tauber, "VeriTable: Fast Equivalence Verification of Multiple Large Forwarding Tables", Computer Networks, Volume 168, 106981, 2019.
Book chapter:
- Y. Liu, G. Grigoryan, Laurent L. Njilla, Charles A. Kamhoua, "Leverage SDN for Cyber Security Deception in Internet of Things" in "Modeling and Design of Secure Internet of Things", John Wiley & Sons, 2020, 704 pages, ISBN: 1119593379, 9781119593379.
Poster and demo abstracts:
- E. Lima, K. Assogba, G. Grigoryan, M. М. Rafique, and M. Kwon, "PredictDDL: Reusable Workload Performance Prediction for Distributed Deep Learning", RIT Artificial Intelligence Summit, 2022.
- S. Gupta, D. Gosain, G. Grigoryan, M. Kwon, HB Acharya, "Simple Deep Packet Inspection with P4", IEEE ICNP Demo Paper, 2021.
- C. Link, J. Saran, G. Grigoryan, M. Kwon, and M. M. Rafique, "Container Orchestration by Kubernetes for RDMA Networking", IEEE ICNP poster paper, 2019.
- G. Grigoryan and Y. Liu, "LAMP: Prompt Layer 7 Attack Mitigation With Programmable Data Planes", 14th ACM/IEEE ANCS poster paper, 2018.
- Y. Liu and G. Grigoryan, "Toward Incremental FIB Aggregation with Quick Selections (FAQS)", 14th ACM/IEEE ANCS poster paper, 2018.
- G. Grigoryan, K. Bahmani, G. Schermerhorn and Y. Liu, "Green Energy Aware SDN Platform", 25th GENI Engineering Conference poster, 2017.
- G. Grigoryan and Y. Liu, "Toward a Programmable FIB Caching Architecture", IEEE ICNP 2017 poster paper.
- Y. Liu, G. Grigoryan, System and method for FIB aggregation, US Patent 11606284 (2023).
- Y. Liu, G. Grigoryan, System and method for building a hierarchical data structure, US Patent 10917338 (2021).
- In-person courses: Computer Science I, Computer Science II (Data Structures), Database Systems, Computer Networking, Computer Algorithms.
- Online courses: Computer Science I, Computer Networking.
- Reviewer: ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking; IEEE Access; IEEE Systems; IEEE OJ-COMS; Elsevier Computer Networks; Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems; ASTESJ (Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal).
- Conference talks: IEEE HPSR 2023; IEEE CANOPIE HPC 2020; ACM HPDC 2020; ACM CoNEXT 2019; IEEE NCA 2018; IEEE INFOCOM 2018.
- Travel grants: ACM CoNEXT at UCF (December 9-12, 2019); IEEE ICNP at UIC (October 7-10, 2019); ACM SIGCOMM at UCLA (August 21-25, 2017); NANOG 70 in Bellevue, WA (June 5-7, 2017); GENI Summer Camp at Boston University (May 24-27, 2016); “Oregon Cyber Security Day” workshop at University of Oregon (April 21-22, 2016).
- Poster presentations: The 27th IEEE ICNP (2019), UIC; 1st Research and Project Showcase (RAPS), Clarkson University (2017); GENI Engineering Conference 25, Miami FL (2017); 3rd Graduate Student Symposium, Clarkson University (2016).
- Other presentations: Alfred University Bergen Forum (2023), Alfred University ChatGPT Discussions (2023).
- I enjoy playing the piano and guitar. I am a composer and singer, performing live solo or with a rock band. I won several talent shows at Clarkson University and performed at a city-wide "Fringe Festival" in Rochester.
- I like traveling, photography and sports (chess, badminton, soccer, volleyball, ping-pong, cycling, and swimming).
- I like programming for fun, for example, web/mobile app design.
- I speak four languages: English, Armenian, Russian and French.
© Garegin Grigoryan, 2024 | email@garegin.info